Secondary College

ET Australia Secondary College (ETASC) is an independent high school (Years 7 to 12) that equips students with the literacy and numeracy skills to be successful in employment and/or further study by delivering the mainstream curriculum in a safe and supportive learning environment.

Your child’s education is a vital investment in their future

With 91% of our 2023 graduates engaging in further studies or a career, you can be confident that ET Australia Secondary College will equip your child with the skills to be successful in employment and/or further studies.

What Sets Us Apart

A Safe and Supportive Learning Environment

A Student Focused NESA Approved Curriculum

Suitably Qualified Teaching and Support Staff

Students are Treated as Individuals

Our Learning Support Network

Access to School Scholarships for Students

One School Fee Covers Everything

Preparation for the Real World

Years 7 to 10 Curriculum

ET Australia Secondary College (ETASC) delivers a NSW Education Standards Authority approved curriculum for Years 7 to 10 students. We focus on a blend of academic and practical education opportunities.

Years 11 & 12 Curriculum

ETASC offers six NESA-approved HSC subjects to Year 11 and Year 12 Students. The subjects have been selected to complement those undertaken in Year 9 and Year 10 to provide continuity in various interest areas. Every subject will contribute to the achievement of an ATAR and the HSC.

Educational Excellence & Additional Academic Programs

ETASC provides a supportive learning environment that allows individuals to excel regardless of the challenges they may face. We aim to provide students with the right balance of self-expression and supervision allowing them to focus on achieving their personal best whilst developing ethical and behavioural self-management skills for life.

Gifted & Talented Program

ETASC’s Gifted and Talented Program aims to develop students’ skills in a real-world context. This advances their creative, critical thinking and problem-solving capabilities, and the ability to transfer their knowledge and skills across curriculum areas. With direction and support, students follow a diverse program of enrichment opportunities that accommodate individual learning needs to develop their natural abilities.

Preparing for the World
of Work

At ETASC, our school model mirrors the workplace. We promote mutual respect, independence and real-world expectations to prepare students for a successful future beyond school.

Scholarships & Fees

Annual fees cover the provision of a student’s education, including all textbooks, access to technology and necessary stationery, and access to curriculum-based excursions.
Kristie, Parent of Charlie
Kristie, Parent of Charlie

Charlie has really enjoyed his time at ET Australia. As his mother, I am grateful to ET Australia for all the support offered to Charlie. I have found ET to be a nurturing environment which is exactly what Charlie has needed. Thank you!

Student Testimonial
Michelle, Parent of Sid
Michelle, Parent of Sid

Thank you to all the staff at ET! Our son Sid, in just one term, is a different child! He is happy to come to school, he is happy to talk about his day, but most importantly he seems proud of himself and his schoolwork. Thank you for your support and guidance and teaching our son. It’s lovely to see him so positive about his education.

Student Testimonial
Amber, Parent of Rory
Amber, Parent of Rory

We have been so impressed with the quality of teaching, discipline, communication and culture of this school. We are so pleased to have made the switch.

Student Testimonial
Trinity, Parent of Michael
Trinity, Parent of Michael

We’ve loved seeing the progress Michael has made at ET, and the support provided by the staff is above and beyond expectations.

Student Testimonial
Betty, Parent of Emily
Betty, Parent of Emily

Emily has settled in to learning at ET Australia far better than I ever imagined. The teachers are invested in their students and are so supportive and approachable. Emily would have struggled in traditional schooling. It’s so good to have an alternative where she is so supported.

Student Testimonial
Phoebe, Parent of Zeke
Phoebe, Parent of Zeke

ET is the best for my child. Zeke is happy and always willing to attend school. He FITS!! We are so happy. Grateful parent. With ET, education has been a peaceful blessing. Much love.

Student Testimonial
Nora, Parent of Eloise
Nora, Parent of Eloise

ET has been the difference between my daughter embracing her learning and not. It has been so wonderful to watch her make connections with her peers and teachers. The staff are kind, attentive and highly capable at supporting her learning and emotional needs. It is a nurturing and fun place to continue her education. We’re so thankful.

Student Testimonial
Chris, Parent of Isaac
Chris, Parent of Isaac

The school is wonderful, I have had nothing but support from all the staff and teachers. The reception staff are lovely. I have had issues with my oldest over the last year and Brooke and Heath have always been open to communication, understanding and fair. My son has found his transition into high school seamless and enjoyable.

Student Testimonial
Mel & Alex, Parents of Bridget
Mel & Alex, Parents of Bridget

We are pleased with the positive feedback from all the teachers. Bridget has thrived since joining ET Australia Secondary College for Year 7. We couldn’t be more grateful to the staff for helping Bridget achieve her best. We highly recommend ET Australia Secondary College to any family.

Student Testimonial
Jennifer, Parent of Mia
Jennifer, Parent of Mia

Mia loves attending ET Australia. We love the relationship she has developed with all teachers and the support she receives in all areas of her time at school not just in the classroom. The respect shown to her manifests itself in the effort and willingness she puts into her schooling. Please keep doing what you are doing.

Student Testimonial
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