Years 7 to 10 Curriculum
ET Australia Secondary College (ETASC) delivers a NSW Education Standards Authority approved curriculum for Years 7 to 10 students.
We focus on a blend of academic and practical education opportunities.
Core Curriculum for Years 7 and 8
Human Society and its Environment
Personal Development Health and Physical Education (PDHPE)
Mandatory Technology
Creative Arts
Core Curriculum for Years 9 and 10
Human Society and its Environment
Personal Development Health and Physical Education (PDHPE)
Student Pathway Plan
ETASC students are assisted and guided to explore pathways to further education, employment or support networks to ensure their future success.
Beginning in Year 7, students are able to regularly discuss their desired career aspirations with the Student Development Coordinator, School Administration Officer and College Principal.
These meetings help determine a student’s pathway to their desired career, providing insight into what training and qualifications they require to be career ready.
Years 7 to 10 College Handbook
ETASC’s Years 7 to 10 College Handbook provides students the essential information they need to know about their day to day experience at school. The handbook also provides parents/carers with all the information they need to know about sending their child to ETASC in Years 7 to 10.
Years 7 to 10 Campus Location
ETASC’s Years 7 to 10 campus is located at Level 1, Imperial Shopping Centre, 171 Mann Street, Gosford, NSW, 2250.
Years 7 to 10 Facilities
We offer a smaller, personalised learning environment for our Years 7 to 10 students to excel.
Modern Classrooms for Students to Excel

Science Labs

Breakout Areas and Computer Lab

Student Kitchen Facilities

Knowledge Hub (School Library)

School Hall