Tiffany completed her formal schooling in 2008. After school, she knew she wanted to work in childcare and decided to seek a traineeship while working casually at McDonald’s. Over the course of the next seven years, she was offered five different traineeships across five different childcare centres. Unfortunately, every single one of these fell through for reasons beyond Tiffany’s control such as staffing, costs, ratios. Tiffany knew this was what she wanted to do so despite her struggles, kept searching for a way into the industry.
Tiffany continued to work at McDonald’s and look for work in the child care industry when she came across an advertisement for an ET Australia Training College classroom-based program for the CHC30113 Certificate lll in Early Childhood Education and Care. Tiffany decided to apply and was accepted into the program. In 2016 Tiffany completed the CHC30113 Certificate lll in Early Childhood Education and Care qualification.
Tiffany completed the mandatory 120 hours of work placement at a local long daycare centre and once she had been awarded her qualification, was immediately offered casual employment. Before long Tiffany was given the opportunity to join the team on a fulltime basis – she was finally living her dream!
Tiffany worked at the long daycare centre for over three years. She was happy, however, wanted to look at what else was out there. That’s when she saw a vacancy for a service director at Camp Australia. Tiffany interviewed for the role and was offered the position. She has been working for Camp Australia since 2019 and loving it. Tiffany has recently transferred to Kanwal Public School, where Camp Australia provides before and after school care services for parents and students where she has boosted morale and brought a new sense of leadership to the service. A parent of a Kanwal public school student has said that “since Tiffany has been on board, my daughter has been so excited to go to before and after school care. Her warm, fair and professional approach has instilled a high confidence in the service from myself and other parents”.
Tiffany advised that she loves the family at Camp Australia, mentioning the supportive staff, students and their families. She is so glad her journey has led her here and that she was resilient while finding a way into the child care industry. She can’t imagine her life not working with children. When asked about her experience studying with ET Australia Training College, she said that she cannot thank ET Australia Training College enough for starting her on this journey and giving her a go. She said while studying, ET Australia Training College staff were incredibly supportive and she would recommend them to anyone wanting to find a career. Tiffany said that her trainer Toni was enormously supportive and committed to working with the class to achieve their child care qualification.
When asked what was next, Tiffany advised she is exploring her options to achieve a CHC50113 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care. She is very excited to take the next step in her career.
Well done Tiffany, we are so excited we got to be a part of your journey.
RTO ID 90084