Term 4 Newsletter, 2023

Welcome to the Term 4 Newsletter for 2023
Welcome to the Term 4 Newsletter for 2023

Principal's News

Welcome to Term 4, 2023 from the Principal

ET Australia Secondary College currently has 260 students. We have added extra student places again this year due to ongoing demand from parents and students who want a place at ETASC. We want our school to remain a small school. A small school model has many benefits. A key feature of our school is our safe and nurturing environment, and we believe keeping the school small is a factor in us achieving and maintaining our great school atmosphere. For 2024, we have limited vacancies for new enrolments in Years 7, 11 and 12 so please recommend our college to prospective students who will most benefit from attending ETASC. Our academic focus on literacy and numeracy skills, our school philosophy that is designed to create a safe and nurturing environment, and our focus on fostering each student’s work ethic appear to be a successful combination.

Our Year 10 and Year 11 students are progressing towards the time when post-school plans and career ideas need to be formulated. To assist every student, we are conducting Career Pathway Plans with our Year 10 and Year 11 students and their parents/carers. The individualised Pathway Plans create detailed career plans with specific employment and further study plans set for each student. This ensures that the positive momentum achieved by students this year continues next year and onto further studies, to work and/or vocational training.

Our Year 12 students are commencing their HSC exams on the 11th of October. We wished them all the best for their futures at their fantastic Year 12 Graduation on the 15th of September. They are a wonderful group of young people and they have maintained a high standard for behaviour and academic progress for all our students to aspire to achieve.

If anyone ever has ideas about how to improve our success, we are open to opportunities and suggestions.

I hope that every student enrolled at ETASC fully utilises the opportunities available to them in our school and in the education pathways that are presented.

 Tony Mylan
ET Australia Secondary College Principal

Upcoming Events

Excursions and Events

There are a number of School Events planned for Term 4. Parents/Carers will be emailed with details of each event. Where permission is required, we ask that you give permission through the Compass Portal as instructed. This will ensure that your response goes directly to the staff member who is responsible for that event. Students without Parent/Carer consent provided cannot be included in the event. Phone calls, handwritten notes and texts are not acceptable unless a prior agreement has been made with the Assistant or Deputy Principal. Some events will be limited due to transport or other considerations, so getting in early will be important, once you are notified those bookings are open.

Year 7 PDHPE – Swimming

When: From the week commencing Monday 6th November
Where: Gosford Pool

For Weeks 5, 6, 7 and 8 of Term 4, it is proposed that Year 7 will be participating in swimming.

In the Stage 4 PDHPE curriculum, students learn about movement skills, body control and awareness. It is mandatory that all students participate in a range of swimming activities and rescue skills. To complete this component of PDHPE, Year 7 students will complete a swim survival course at Gosford Pool.

This activity aims to engage students in a practical setting whilst providing the opportunity to improve their aquatic skills taught by qualified instructors. Students will undertake a program with directed activities designed to improve their water confidence and provide them with basic skills in water safety and survival.

Years 7, 8, 9 and 11 Celebration Assembly

When: 14th December 2023
Where: ETASC School Hall

The ETASC Years 7 to 9 and 11 Celebration Assembly will be held in the school hall on the 14th of December 2023. The assembly is being held to present students with a range of achievement awards for 2023.

An email will be sent out to parents/carers closer to the date with more details.

Year 10 Celebration Assembly 

When: 17th November 2023
Where: ETASC School Hall

The ETASC Year 10 Celebration Assembly will be held in the school hall on the 17th of November 2023. The assembly is being held to present academic achievement awards for Year 10.

An email will be sent out to parents/carers closer to the date with more details.

Year 10 Careers Camp

When: 7th & 8th December 2023
Where:  Various locations across the Sydney CBD

At the end of Future Me Week, Year 10 students are invited to attend our first ever Career’s Camp. We will be spending the night in Sydney and attending many industry and educational tours. We are still finalising the itinerary, but some activities include a tour of the University of Sydney and the University of Technology Sydney, a tour and talk of AFTRS (Australian Film and Television School), a talk and tour of the Art Gallery of NSW and hopefully many more! A permission note will be sent once we have finalised the activities.

Year 8 Language Incursion

When: 29th November 2023
Where:  ETASC School Hall

To celebrate a year of learning the French language, French speaking chefs have been invited to teach students how to make crêpes. Students will get a hands-on experience in creating delicious crêpes all whilst learning key French terms related to ingredients and methods of cooking. A greater understanding of the French culture will also be gained. Some lucky parents & carers might be able to encourage their child to repeat the process at home, so the entire household can enjoy crêpes.

Whole School News

Key Dates for Term 4 2023

The first day of Term for all students is Tuesday, 10th October 2023.
The last day of Term for all students is Friday, 15th December 2023*
*This will be a half day for Years 7-10 students.

Parents and carers are requested to review and update their contact details in Compass. If you need help accessing your Compass account, please contact the school on 4323 1233.

School Starting Times and First Day of Term Arrangements

  • Years 7 and 8 students are required to be on campus at 8:55am for a 9:00am start time every school day. Students enter our Years 7 to 10 campus via the school reception area located on Level 1, Imperial Shopping Centre, Gosford. Accessing the Imperial Centre via the Erina Street entrance is the most direct entry point for the school. The school hall is open for students and supervised by staff every morning from 8:30am.
  • Years 9 and 10 students are required to be at school at 9:05am for a 9:10am start time every school day. Students enter our Years 7 to 10 campus via the school reception area located on Level 1, Imperial Shopping Centre, Gosford. Accessing the Imperial Centre via the Erina Street entrance is the most direct entry point for the school. The school hall is open for students and supervised by staff every morning from 8:30am.
  • Years 11 and 12 students are required to be on campus at 8:40am for an 8:45am start time every school day. Students enter via the school reception located in the driveway of 125 Donnison Street, Gosford. For those students who arrive before 8:40 am, students are welcome to use the student common area from 8:30am.
  • If a student arrives late to school without a valid reason, they are required to surrender their mobile phone to reception for the day. Failure to do so will result in the student having to surrender their phone to the Assistant Principal or Deputy Principal every day for a period of 10 weeks.

School Fees

A reminder to parents and carers that ETASC is a fee-paying college and the contributions made provide opportunities to students to participate in a variety of different learning experiences.

It is a requirement of a student’s enrolment that school fees are paid by parents/carers and failure to pay fees will result in the student’s enrolment being withdrawn.

Scholarships are available to families who are experiencing financial hardship and we encourage all parents/carers to apply for scholarships if they are struggling to pay school fees. Information regarding school fees, payment plans, and scholarships is available on the college website.

For more information on school fees please refer to the College Handbook relevant to you:

School Management System – Compass

Compass is our web-based school management system that is accessible on any modern web browser or by using the ‘Compass School Manager’ app available on iOS or Android. To access our Parent/Carer Portal, go to:


Compass user ID’s and passwords have been sent to all Parent/Carers, if you have any questions about Compass, please contact the College.

From the Compass App you can:

  • Access your child’s semester reports
  • Book your Parent/Carer/Student and Teacher conferences
  • View up-to-date class and school attendance information
  • Approve or enter upcoming or past absences for your child
  • Download, print details and provide permission to attend upcoming excursions/events
  • Update your registered email and mobile number details (used for SMS alerts)
  • Access information regarding upcoming events and news

Regular Pattern of School Attendance Required by Students

A reminder to parents/carers that for their child to continue their enrolment at the college, students need to maintain a consistent pattern of attendance.

The New South Wales Education Standards Authority (NESA) requires all students to have a minimum attendance percentage of 85% throughout the year.

This means the college expects every student to attend school every day unless they are too sick to attend. In the event of an absence caused by illness, the college requires an explanation of the absence within 24 hours of the student’s absence. Notification can be provided via the Compass Portal, email, or phone call. In the event of three or more consecutive days off, the college can request a medical certificate to support the provided reasons. If you have other reasons for a student being absent for the day (family emergency for example) please provide the college office with an explanation so we can account for the student’s absence.

For more information on school attendance please refer to the College Handbook relevant to you:

Reporting Student Absence

It is a government requirement for parents/carers to notify and provide a reason for their child’s absence from school on every occasion. To ensure notifications are always received and recorded by the appropriate staff members, a generic email address can be used for absentee notifications. We request this email address be used rather than emailing individual staff members. This will ensure the notification is received by the Reception staff regardless of who is working on the day. Where an explanation has not been received within 7 days from the first day of any period of absence, the school will record this as unexplained on the student’s record.

Methods for notifying the school of absences are:

Email: attendance@etaustralia.com

Phone: 02 4323 1233 after 8:30am

Via the Compass App
When your child is absent from school and we have not been notified, an email and push notification via Compass will be sent to inform you of their absence which you are able to reply to. Parents/Carers can sign into the Compass Portal and enter an attendance note for their child for future and past absences.

COVID-19, Plus Any Illness and School Attendance

ET Australia follows NSW Health guidelines to minimise COVID-19 transmission, keeping schools open and the community safe.

NSW Health advice is that if a student is unwell and has any symptoms, they should always test for COVID-19. If the test comes back negative for COVID-19, the student should still not return to school until the student no longer has any symptoms. NSW Health advises that it is important that students do not attend school if they are unwell. Covid-19, other viruses, influenza, common colds, and stomach bugs can all be contagious. Health advice is that students who are sick should always stay home to rest and recover and avoid putting other students and staff at risk of getting sick. Students who present with symptoms at school will be sent home immediately and will not be able to return to school until they no longer have symptoms.

Request for Student Leave

The Department of Education’s requirement for school attendance also affects opportunities for families to take holidays during school terms. Some schools are withdrawing the option of families taking students out of school for holidays. ETASC is flexible, but the Minister for Education requires us to ensure all student leave during term time be approved by the college Principal in advance. A Student Leave Request form is available from reception and needs to be completed 4 weeks prior to the planned absence from school.

Please contact the College office on 02 4323 1233 if you have any further queries about holidays during school terms.

ET Australia Secondary College – A non-smoking High School

ETASC is a non-smoking secondary college for ALL students and staff – this includes the use of vape pens and e-cigarettes.

Students who are caught smoking cigarettes or using vape pens or e-cigarettes during school hours will have their cigarettes, vape pens or e-cigarettes confiscated and destroyed. Parents/Carers will be contacted to inform them of this behaviour.

Advice from NSW Health clearly outlines that it is illegal to sell cigarettes, vape pens and e-cigarettes or accessories to, or buy these products on behalf of, a person under 18 years of age.

Please visit https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/tobacco/Pages/e-cigarettes.aspx for more information from NSW Health.

Any student smoking during school hours will be in breach of school rules and will be treated the same way as any other breach of school rules. Repeat offenders will be placed on a school contract that will stipulate the behaviour required to maintain their enrolment at the college. The school contract with the student will include the provision of access to quit smoking programs and access to the college psychologist to develop strategies to use instead of smoking during the school day. Breaching the school contract will result in the student’s expulsion from the college.

Opal Cards

The Department of Transport issues OPAL Cards and schools are not involved in the issue and re-issue of this free service for school children. Parents/Carers are now responsible for following up with errors or lost and stolen cards. Students are advised not to put OPAL cards near phones or other disabled cards.

For more information on OPAL Cards please refer to the College Handbook relevant to you:

Contacting Students in Class Time

Please do not phone your child during class time, they will be tempted to answer which is very disruptive to the class. Their phone should be off and out of sight. Parents/Carers who need to contact their child during school hours are asked to do so by calling the College office on 4323 1233 or wait until break times.

Banned items – Reminder

Students are prohibited from bringing certain items to school:

  • Chewing gum
  • Aerosol cans – deodorant etc.
  • Knives
  • Liquid paper
  • Permanent markers
  • Laser devices
  • Metal or opaque drink bottles
  • Cigarettes
  • e-cigarettes or vapes
  • Cigarette lighters or matches
  • Gel Blaster/Gel Gun

If students bring these items to school, they will be confiscated.

If students continue to bring these items to school appropriate action will be taken in accordance with the consequences for breaches of the expected behaviours outlined at enrolment and in the Years 7 to 10 College Handbook and Years 11 and 12 College Handbook.

The Possession of Gel Blasters and their Presence in Schools

New South Wales Police and the Department of Education have requested ETASC circulate the following important information about the possession of gel blasters and their presence in schools.

Gel Guns or Gel Blasters are lifelike ‘toy’ guns that closely resemble firearms. They fire gel balls and can be very difficult to differentiate from a real firearm. They are classified as air guns under NSW law and gel balls are classified as ammunition.

It is a crime to possess a Gel Gun in NSW unless you have a firearms licence, even if it was purchased online or legally in another state. It is also a crime to bring a Gel Blaster or Gel Gun to school.

There is a potential for injury if a person is struck by gel pellet ammunition and understandably students and staff may become frightened and distressed if they believe a firearm has been brought into a school.

If a student is found to have a Gel Gun at school, the firearm will be confiscated, and the Police contacted immediately. The student could be arrested and charged with possession of a firearm. Parents/Carers may also be held liable as per section 82 of the Firearms Act.

Medication Taken at School

In accordance with our First Aid and Medications Policy, parents/carers are required to complete an Authorisation for Administration of Student Medication form for any medication which is required to be dispensed during school hours.

Parents/Carers will also be required to provide the medication in its original packaging which has the Doctor’s instructions on the label.

Please contact the school office if you would like any further information or require a form to be sent home.

For more information on medication taken at school please refer to the College Handbook relevant to you:

Buddy Update

As part of our accreditation with Dogs Connect, ETASC invites students and staff to take part in a satisfaction survey each year. The results of our most recent survey, while not unanimous, show an overwhelmingly positive result. Buddy’s presence in the classroom is mostly seen as supportive and our students report being calmer and more able to concentrate on learning when she is present. We received 176 responses from students. The majority either agreed or strongly agreed that Buddy helps them to be more relaxed in class, helps them focus on their work, helps them learn about emotional needs and is something that they enjoy and appreciate.

Our school support and wellbeing dog is a much loved and important member of our community. We encourage anyone who would like to know more about this program to visit the Dogs Connect website:  https://dogsconnect.net.au

We look forward to training several “student ambassadors” during the coming year and we assure the community that this program will not involve anyone who does not wish to be involved. Buddy is having a positive impact on many people in our school, and her timetable is arranged so that the student connection with Buddy will be offered on a wide variety of levels.

School Lockers

Lockers are provided at no cost for students to store their school bags to improve security, and work, health and safety. Students are asked to clean out their lockers at the end of every term. Items left in lockers at the end of each term will be discarded. If you value the contents of your locker, please take it with you.

Students are encouraged to keep lockers always locked, even when empty. We are keen to prevent unauthorised access to lockers and/or to have other people placing objects in lockers that do not belong there.


Enrolment places are still available for the current year groups in 2024:

  • Year 7
  • Year 11
  • Year 12

Places are not available in our other year groups, and a waiting list is in place.

Please contact the school office if you would like to make an enrolment enquiry or would like more information.

Teaching Staff

Contact details for all members of school staff are in the College Handbook relevant to you:

• Years 7 to 10 College Handbook
• Years 11 and 12 College Handbook

Years 7-10 News

Year 8 VALID testing

Year 8 students will be participating in the Science VALID testing in Term 4. The Validation of Assessment for Learning and Individual Development (VALID) program provides online end-of-stage assessments for the science key learning area. These assessments can be used as a diagnostic tool to assist in improving student outcomes in science and as a tool for program evaluation. The test is linked to the science syllabuses, and assesses what students know and can do in science. It also provides useful information about student attitudes towards science. A letter will be sent home with the dates for these online tests.

Years 7 to 10 Assessment Week

Students will have their final examinations for the year during weeks 4 and 5 this term. Every day there will be one examination per KLA. Students will also be given revision during this time. Attendance is very important so that students do not fall behind. Year 10 grades must be submitted to NESA no later than 17th November 2023. All assessments must be completed and marked before this date. If you know in advance that your child will be absent, please contact the school ASAP.

HSC Literacy & Numeracy Minimum Standards Testing

Year 10 will be given another opportunity to complete their HSC Numeracy and Literacy Minimum Standards tests. These tests are used to show the level of numeracy and literacy achievements of students before they exit the school system, whether it be in Year 10, Year 11 or Year 12. Students who acquire a level 3 in each of the standards tests have reached the state level of achievement and do not need to continue the testing process. Students are given multiple opportunities throughout the year to acquire a Level 3. For more information, please see the website https://educationstandards.nsw.edu.au/wps/portal/nesa/11-12/hsc/hsc-minimum-standard.

If you have any questions, please contact the Curriculum Coordinator, Kimberley Wheeler.

Years 7–10 Meditation and mindful colouring

Once a week, students will be given the choice to participate in meditation or mindful colouring to give them the opportunity to slow down and be present before tackling their busy schoolwork.

Free After School Tutoring

Any student who wants help after school in any subject should ask the subject teacher and arrangements will be made to provide free tutoring on most afternoons.

All extra-curricular or tutoring classes are free of charge.

Literacy Tutoring:
Every Tuesday we run literacy tutoring for students in Years 7-10 from 2.30pm-3.30pm. Please let the school know if your child needs to leave early for transport.

 Unlock the art of captivating sentences!

Discover the secrets of sentence variety with our engaging literacy tutoring sessions in Term 4! Led by Melanie and Sophie, these Tuesday afternoon workshops will reveal easy ways to kick-start sentences using words and phrases to emphasise who, when, where, why and how.

Explore the possibilities for transforming a simple sentence:
“Students learn how to write interesting sentences.”

  1. Enthusiastic students kickstart their sentences with descriptive adjectives to add detail about the subject (who).
  2. Aspiring wordsmiths, students hone their sentence writing skills by beginning sentences with an appositive (who).
  3. On Tuesday afternoons, students master the art of sentence beginnings by describing when the action occurred.
  4. At the end of the corridor, students master sentence composition by outlining where the action took place.
  5. To enhance their communication skills, students develop a new technique to explain why something happened.
  6. Conscientiously, students delve into sentence beginnings by revealing how it happened.
  7. Without any hesitation and filled with anticipation, students emphasise how the action happened in their sentences.

Numeracy Tutoring:
Every Thursday Matt & Suzanne run numeracy tutoring for students in Years 7-10 from 2.30pm-3.30pm. Please let the school know if your child needs to leave early for transport.

 We focus on basic skills but allow the opportunity and time to discuss classwork if required. It is a fun, safe learning space where students can ask questions and work independently or within a small group with a teacher.

Year 10 Extension Tutorials – English, Mathematics & Science:

ETASC is providing Year 10 students with the opportunity to participate in after school extension classes in Term 4.

These classes are designed to provide our Year 10 students with extra-curricular opportunities in English, Mathematics and Science, to prepare students for Years 11 and 12.

English and Science classes will continue to run on alternate Tuesday afternoons and Mathematics will continue on Thursday afternoons.

Sessions will start at 2:30pm and conclude at 3:30pm.

All Year 10 students who intend to continue to Year 11 next year are strongly encouraged to attend.

For more information, please contact reception on 02 4323 1233.

Learning Enrichment Opportunities

ETASC offers free tutoring for all students.
For students who are identified as needing extra assistance with:

  • Reading – ETASC offers the MacqLit reading program
  • Mathematics – ETASC offers the QuickSmart program. We also offer consolidation of classwork and after school tutoring.
  • Writing – ETASC offers English tutoring and consolidation of classwork.

Gifted and Talented Program 2023

During Term 3 students had the opportunity to compete in a Science and Engineering Challenge Day held at St Edwards at Gosford. Sixteen Stage 5 students spent the day completing activities that stimulated and challenged their creative and problem-solving abilities. These included tasks such as morse code problems, balsa plane building, electrical cord scenarios, string path problems, bridge building and coding tasks. What a great day!

Next term students will continue to have opportunities to enter competitions.
The importance of entering challenging competitions for gifted students is well-researched. The following are some of the benefits-:

Problem solving and analysis. By using their imagination and flexing their creative muscle to come up with plots, alternative solutions, and organise their thoughts and ideas, kids are learning to think beyond the square and actively seek fresh ways of identifying, assessing, and tackling problems.

Self-confidence. Children can be full of doubt about their ideas and abilities. Creative writing offers a safe and supportive environment for them to find and express their voices.

Discipline and Persistence. It takes time to organise your thoughts, create characters, dramatic plots, and interesting settings, and then put them into a cohesive sequence.

Inquisitiveness and Research Skills. Students, by nature, are naturally curious. Researching allows them to take it one step further by igniting a desire to learn more about a topic that they find stimulating. I have seen many students become mini experts in their field of interest – whether it’s dinosaurs, trains, the atmosphere on Mars, or how to keep a balloon afloat!

Two of the competitions that we are entering in Term 4 are the Canal to Creek Art Competition and Little Stories, Big Ideas.

Our GAT students are also given the opportunity for the following:

  • self-directed projects
  • critical and creative thinking application
  • in-depth topic development
  • real-world problem application

Positive Behaviour Management and Rewards

ETASC’s Positive Student Behaviour Reward system includes short-term, medium-term, and long-term rewards. Reward days once a semester are the pinnacle reward of this system.

Short Term Rewards – Fortnightly Basis
Short-term rewards will occur on a fortnightly basis and be awarded to one student from each class based on their behaviour in the previous two weeks. Teachers will consider the number of positive behaviour reports or in-class points awarded, the student’s attendance during this time and any noticeable changes in a student’s behaviour. Students will be informed of their positive award in a manner that is comfortable to them – during the whole school assembly, stage assembly, class time or on an individual basis.

Short-term rewards include, but are not limited to:

  • Chocolates
  • Free lunch – pizza etc.
  • Books
  • Trinkets, toys, stationery etc. 

Medium Term Rewards – Term Basis
The accumulation of positive behaviour reports over a term will earn students medium-term rewards. A schedule of rewards will be provided to the students at the beginning of each term. The accumulation of positive behaviour reports over the term will earn students’ rewards.

The number of positive behaviour reports required to achieve specific medium-term rewards includes:

# Of Positive Behaviour Reports Reward:

  • 25 – Qualifies student to attend semester reward day
  • 30 – Listen to music during class time for one week
  • 40 – 5-minute early mark at the end of the school day for one week
  • 50 – Free lunch order to the value of $10

Long Term Rewards – Semester Basis
The long-term reward for sustained positive student behaviour is an invitation to attend the reward days held at the end of each semester. Students will be invited to attend our reward day if they have accumulated at least 25 positive behaviour reports during the semester. If a student is invited to a rewards day and engages in negative behaviour before the event, their invitation can be revoked. Reward day activities are intended to be fun days with activities that students want to participate in.

Our reward days so far have included:

  • Go-karting
  • Jet boats
  • Laser tag
  • Mini golf

In determining whether students are entitled to attend a reward day the following will be considered:

  • The number of positive and negative behaviour reports a student has received.
  • School attendance – students need to maintain a regular pattern of attendance.
  • Outstanding school fees – a student’s school fees need to be no more than 1 month in arrears to be eligible to attend reward days.
  • School Contract – if a student has been placed on a school contract, they are deemed ineligible to attend reward days. Exceptions on a case-by-case basis may be considered by the Assistant Principal but this is not negotiable.

If parents/carers have questions regarding the positive behaviour system, we welcome feedback and questions so please contact the Assistant Principal.

Years 7-8 News

Stage 4 Spelling and DEAR (Drop Everything & Read)

Year 7 will be participating in DEAR (Drop Everything And Read) by enjoying a novel with their class, chosen by their teacher.

Year 8 will be participating in a spelling program reviewing the fundamental spelling rules and words.

Years 9-10 News

Stage 5 DEAR

Years 9 and 10 will be participating in DEAR (Drop Everything And Read) twice a week, reading topical new articles selected by the teachers to encourage them to read mindfully and to be engaged in current issues.

Year 10 Work Experience

Year 10 students will undertake a 2-week work experience program starting on the 20th of November and concluding on the 1st of December. Students will be encouraged to negotiate a minimum of 25 hours per week of unpaid work with the help of parents/carers and Jasmyn du Plessis, our Years 7 to 10 Student Development Coordinator (SDC), in an area of interest to them. Students may stay with the same company in the same work experience trial for the duration of their work placement, however trialling various occupations may be a great opportunity.

During work experience, Jasmyn will visit all students to monitor their progress and participation as well as receive feedback from their workplace supervisor. Students are fully covered by ET Australia’s insurance policy for the duration of approved work experience. Students who are unable to find work placement are required to attend school.

Year 10 School Leavers and RoSA nominations

An email will be sent early this term asking parents & carers to nominate their child for their RoSA (Record of School Achievement). If your child is leaving the school system, for either work, TAFE, internship, apprenticeship or the like, then they need to be nominated for a RoSA.  If your child is uncertain of their pathway next year the advice from NESA is to nominate for a RoSA as it is easier to bring them back into the school system after removing them. Please reply to this email with your child’s full name if you wish to nominate them for a RoSA. Student’s RoSA grades are available through their Student Online portal.

Year 11 2024 – Information & Enrolment

Year 11 enrolments for 2024 are now open and students in Year 10 who intend to continue their studies at ETASC in 2023 should apply now as spots are limited.

ETASC offers students an ATAR focused HSC pathway for students, offering the following 2-unit subjects:
• Standard English
• Standard Mathematics
• Biology
• Modern History
• Business Studies

Successful completion of the pattern of study provided will give students the ability to nominate for an ATAR if they wish.

We also offer students flexibility in subject selection with distance education courses available through external providers. Enrolment in these courses is per the external providers’ requirements and the cost is not included in the college school fees.

Students who would like to attend Years 11 & 12 are required to apply for a position and provide supporting documentation (school report etc.) to determine their suitability for the ATAR focused course ETASC provides.

Enrolment forms are available on request from reception at the Years 7 to 10 campus.

New enrolments are required to contact reception to organise an enrolment interview with the Assistant Principal and a tour of the facility.

If parents/carers of Year 10 students have any questions or would like to organise a tour of the Years 11 & 12 campus, please contact reception so a suitable time can be arranged.

For more information about the Years 11 & 12 programs ETASC offers students, please find a link to the student handbook.

SYNC – Skills You Need Consolidating

This year ETASC will continue with SYNC for Years 9 and 10 students. Each lesson aims to help students establish and practise the fundamental skills necessary for further education and work. These practical skills enable students to practise problem-solving, critical thinking and group work.

Classes include:

  • Nutrition – properly reading food labels, budgeting, planning, food wastage and cooking skills;
  • Computer Skills – desktop usage, using Microsoft Office, typing skills, film editing and website building;
  • Careers – resume writing, cover letters, how to research jobs, skills selection and how to apply for jobs;
  • Independences Days – car maintenance, practical living skills, household upkeep.

These units will help to round out the students’ employability skills.


Years 9 & 10 Student Assessment Handbooks

Student Assessment Handbooks are available on the school website and are important documents for Years 9 & 10 students to read to be informed about their Record of School Achievement (RoSA) requirements.
Within the handbook there is information on how to successfully complete Year 10, the grading scale for each subject, what an ‘N’ Determination Award (N Award) is and how to avoid one, study skills and who to talk to if you need help.
We encourage all Years 9 & 10 students and parents/carers to read these documents thoroughly to ensure they are informed of the expectations for Years 9 & 10 students.

Click here to read the Year 9 Assessment Handbook
Click here to read the Year 10 Assessment Handbook

Years 11-12 News

Year 11 Parent/Carer & Student Pathway Plan Meetings

When: Various
Where: Years 11 & 12 Campus

Year 11 Pathway Plan meetings will continue with the Student Development Coordinator and Principal. These meetings will focus on identifying any support the school can provide to help students transition into Year 12 and achieve their study and employment goals.

Bookings can be made through the Compass Portal.

Stage 6 Curriculum Update

Our current Year 12 students are sitting their HSC exams this term and we wish them all the best. ETASC teachers are available to support and answer questions whilst students are revising for each subject. Students are welcome to continue coming into school to use the quiet space to study and access teachers for help.

Year 11 transition into Year 12

Year 11 will be moving into the Year 12 classroom as they commence their HSC courses.  They will either study their selected 5 or 6 subjects this term. When students are not in class, they will be able to use the time to study and complete work under the supervision of a teacher. It is important that students use this time productively. The three top tips for improving achievement in the HSC, which can be done during this time are:

  1. Write summary notes for the subject.
  2. Memorise the syllabus.
  3. Complete practice HSC questions.

It is best to do these things regularly, and not wait until the end of the HSC course to begin.

Students will be given their HSC textbooks and codes to access electronic versions. They will also continue to have access to Google Classroom, Edrolo and Education Perfect to assist them in their learning.

Year 12 Mentorship Program

Year 12 students will be assigned a staff member to be their mentor throughout their HSC studies. Students will receive a booklet to record their academic goals for the term and meet with their mentor to plan steps to help them achieve them. Mentors will meet with the students to encourage them to keep working on those steps.  They will also help students reflect on what strategies are helping them and what things need to change to ensure they meet their academic goals.

Special Provisions

ETASC is very good at providing support and assistance to students. This support is not automatically provided for in the HSC exams and assessments. There is an application process that all students in NSW must follow to ensure uniformity across the state. If your child needs disability provisions for the HSC, please speak to Elissa Cosentino Elissa.Cosentino@etaustralia.com, as she will be submitting applications in Term 4.


Intervention will begin this term with a focus not only on literacy but also numeracy. During these sessions, selected students are given the opportunity to improve their sentence structure and ability to develop cohesive pieces of writing. The numeracy sessions will be tailored to the needs of the individual.

Term 4 HSC Assessments

Please refer to the Student Assessment Handbook for an outline of when tasks are due throughout the term and check emails at the beginning of the term for assessment outlines, so you are aware of what is expected for each one. Many tasks require students to research and write responses outside of class time. Remember to take advantage of the after-school session from 3-4pm where teachers are available to answer questions. These tasks require students to work on them throughout the term and are not designed to be done in one night. If a student is absent on the day an assessment task is due please ensure the illness misadventure form is completed, with documentary evidence and emailed to chrisitna.clark@etaustralia.com within 24 hours.

Year 12 Student Assessment Handbook

The Year 12 Student Assessment Handbook is an important document for Year 12 students to read to be informed about the HSC course requirements.

Within the handbook, there is information on how to successfully complete Year 12, what an ‘N’ Determination Award (N Award) is and how to avoid one, study skills and who to talk to if you need help.

We encourage all Year 12 students and parents/carers to read this document thoroughly to ensure they are informed of the expectations for Year 12.

Click here to read the handbook

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ET Australia Secondary College Term Dates

Year Term Year Start Date Finish Date
2023 Term 4 All Years Tuesday 10th October Friday 15th December
2024 Term 1 Years 7 & 8 Thursday 1st February Friday 12th April
2024 Term 1 Years 9 & 10 Friday 2nd February Friday 12th April
2024 Term 1 Years 11 & 12 Thursday 1st February Friday 12th April


ET Australia Secondary College Years 7 to 10 Handbook
ET Australia Secondary College Years 11 and 12 Handbook
ET Australia Training College Upcoming Courses